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success skills

“Believe you can and you're halfway there.”



Lose the Battle - Win the War

Sometimes we have to be prepared to lose battles in order to win the war.
God's way is patience, persistence and not-giving-up. If the battles can't defeat us, the war may still eventually be won.
Finishing well in life is not really about succeeding at every point along the journey.
Finishing well is more about pacing ourselves and acknowledging there are many mistakes to be made along the way, whilst savouring the wins as they come, knowing that they provide us with sufficient feedback to suggest we are on the right path.
Losing a battle in order to eventually win a war is a wise concession; to allow a loss to occur as in yielding for a better overall outcome.
There are many times in life where people will need to see us bend toward them; toward compromise. Relationships are always based in give-and-take. If we cannot bend toward people, copping our losses with grace, there will be less give in return.
When we can look at life beyond the battles, knowing that the war is only against one thing - the agenda of evil - we appreciate how relatively unimportant single events are.
The overall context of life exists in that truth: nothing, of itself, is that important. Only the overall balance of things is a true guide.
Losing the battle to remain in contention for winning the overall war is wisdom. And many such wars are not really wars at all; they are just improbable situations we wish to turn into probable outcomes.
The wisdom in remaining in the race despite significant discouragements is realised in persistence. As we persevere against our better judgment, which has no sight for faith at all, we employ faith: the invisible hope of what we wish for but have no evidence for seeing.
When we are able to lose a battle and remain patient we demonstrate character.
Such character is home to humility and perspective; to realism and peace.
The overall objective of life is to learn to focus on the overall war, not on the battles. If we are focused on the overall war - and it's a spiritual one - we will do what we need to do to endure the battles. And that is all we need do - endure.
Yes, there is peace upon this realism; to accept humbly what we can and can't do in life; to accept our capabilities and limitations gracefully.
© 2012 S. J. Wickham.
Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner and holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: and
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